Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chapter Ten (5-13-10)

I got my second assignment back and I got 100% on it so I was excited. I am nervous about the final exam because I need to get an A in order for me to get an A on the class. I have extra credit points available, but I don't want to rely on that or depend on it. I have been studying and I hope that the final has same questions like the exams. I also went over the exams so I feel prepared. Right now, I am doing a last review just to make sure that I know all the information. I am nervous, but I hope I will be okay so I get a good grade in the class. I don't see how I could get a C for the final and the extra points will help me as well.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Exam #4 (5-11-10)

Today was the exam and I really hope that I did well. I answered all the questions and hopefully I got full points on the essay questions. The hardest part was knowing so many Decision Support Systems because most of them seemed similar and it was hard to distinguish one from the other. Since the final is cumulative it would be nice if all we needed to study is previous exams. Hopefully, we have a good review day on Thursday because there is allot of information that could possibly appear on the final. As soon as I get some feedback on my Excel homework #2 I will finish it so I can start reviewing ahead without having any worries. I am glad I took this class because I learned allot and it was useful. Will we know our grade before the final or until it gets posted two weeks after finals?

Chapter Ten (5-6-10)

Today in class we went over the first section of Chapter 10. I started the Excel assignment and I thought the spreadsheet was going to be similar to the one from the last Excel assignment. It was somewhat hard because we were not given formulas or any extra information to figure out how to complete the spreadsheet. It was based on whether you understand the concepts of what was explained in the assignment sheet. I actually was able to complete the spreadsheet and I am currently waiting to see if I filled out the spreadsheet correctly before I move on and finish the other questions. I like completing the assignments, but I hope it would have been given to us 3 weeks before finals because usually the last week of class is when there are so many things due. I hope the exam won't be too difficult. I have been trying to look over my notes day by day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Excel Demo #2 (5-4-10)

Today was an easy day. We had the Excel Demo #2 and it was basically just adding graphs and learning one new formula or technique. The graph part was really easy and I was also able to see so thanks. I turned in my Excel Assignment #1 and with some help from the instructor I was able to get a perfect score. I am hoping I wont have questions for the next assignment because I understood everything we did in class. This is one of the classes where you learn something new and interesting every class session. I enjoy the class and it is a good class to take. We have an exam coming up so I need to start studying because I haven't. I like working on Excel better than Access because there are so many things to play around with. You can add so many things to make your page look nice like graphs or color. The assignments helped me because if I ever need to organize some data or work in finance or accounting I will know what resources to use.