Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chapter Six (3-23-10)

We went over the exam and started a new chapter. At least for me it was good that we went over the exam because of my low score. After getting my exam back I wanted to really focus so I was writing notes on all the important points. I also turned in my first assignment which I did well on. I hope to start on the second assignment during spring break. I am really excited that I get to get some good sleep and work on homework assignments and review. I understood everything that was mentioned in the first section of chapter six so I have no questions so far.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Microsoft Access #2 (3-18-10)

So I just found out my grade for the last exam and I did not do well. I did really good on the last one and I did not think I was going to do really bad. I felt disappointed with myself and I plan on working harder from this point on. As long as I volunteer more to gain extra points and get an A on my assignments and exams I should still do well in the class. I don't want to get a bad grade on another exam nor in the class. I know I can do really good once I commit to it. I have finished the first homework assignment and plan to show it to you on Tuesday. I will take my usb. I have a question. Am I suppose to reply to your comments?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Exam #2 (3-16-10)

The exam was fair, but I know I did better on the last exam. I did not focus allot on the cases, which is what two questions were on. I hope I did not do too bad and I am sure this exam will be my lowest one out of all of them. Hopefully the extra credit will push my grade up so I can still get a an A for the class. The assignments should help me as well. The grades have not been posted so I wonder if we will know our grade today in class.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Microsoft Access (3-11-10)

Today was a busy day in class and everyone was paying attention. The speed was a little fast, but since I had used the program before I felt comfortable. The homework assignment does not seem hard so I am excited to get started on it. I am glad that the professor went over the program to show those who did not know how to use it. It would have been hard if we would have to complete the assignment with no help. I am nervous about the next exam there is so much to know. I will start reviewing tonight because I don't like waiting until the last minute.

Chapter Five (3-9-10)

The last computer class that I had was just an introduction type of class so we used different programs like Microsoft Access. We had to complete our assignments by following directions and using different Microsoft Office programs. There was a slide on Chapter 5 that included a picture of Microsoft Access, which looks familiar. I am excited and ready to complete some assignments for this class. It will hopefully be a review and not too difficult to understand. Test is already next week so I need to already start reviewing as soon as possible.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Chapter Five (3-4-10)

In this first section of chapter five there are many new terms that are new to me. I don't remember hearing some of them in my last computer class so I have to do flashcards for this exam. The last test I just reviewed my notes, but this exam includes more information then the last exam. The test is coming up so I plan on doing my flashcards on Wednesday after I take my finance test, which is Tuesday. This weekend I have focused allot on finance, but once I take my exam I will focus on this class. Flashcards is a good way for me to learn concepts because if I cannot say it I probably do not know it.

Chapter Four (3-2-10)

I read this section again and I understood it better than last time when I looked over the slides because it was something new that I did not know. I know we will be starting on the homework so I look forward to that. It is coming up in a few days. It is good to do some homework because that way we have some change instead of just taking notes. It will make the students who do not pay too much attention to the lecture stay focus on the material that will be covered. In my last class I completed assignments using Microsoft Access so I hope I still remember how to use it. I took this class over a year ago, but did not use the program after the class ended. The good thing is that I have all the Microsoft Office programs installed in my laptop.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Chapter Four (2-25-10)

This chapter was on computer software which includes application software, systems software, and operating systems. Most of this chapter was new to me so I had to go back and read the slides again so I could really understand it. The machine languages were new to me and I did not know about all the many generations. The computer class that I took was about learning how to use all the programs in Microsoft office. Now I really see the difference between both classes. We did talk about some of the same topics, but for the most part I am learning new things. I have been busy with homework and exams coming up so I haven't reviewed all my notes. I plan to study early for our second exam, but after this busy week.