Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chapter Three (2-23-10)

I like the fact that we go over the exam because if there is a question we do not understand it gets explained. Questions from previous exams will be on the final so it is important to understand all the material. The class is going good but there is allot of information that there is to know. It seems as if we cover allot more material as the class goes on. For the next exam I know I will have to study more than the last one. I understood most of the material and I don't have any questions so far. The hard part will be understanding all the important topics. Since the next exam is structured the same way I think I will do fine.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Exam #1 (2-18-10)

I just saw the results for the test and I am happy because I got an A. Since it was my first exam I was really nervous and I was afraid of surprises. The night before I studied by going over the slides and making sure that I knew the important topics in red. Before the exam I went over the slides again in the library and my notes. During the test I was not nervous because I was familiar with everything and I went with what I knew. I finished the exam fast like in 30 minutes and I felt good afterwards. I know I can do good in this class and I will keep doing what I have done so far. I look forward to learning new things and gaining new knowledge.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chapter Three (2-16-10)

Today I gave another technology report which was on one of the world's greenest supercomputers. The structure of the in-class exams is straight-forward and the structure is fair. I hope to do well on the first exam, but I guess I will see until I get it back. I would like to get the hard copy back to make corrections and know the right answers for the final exam. I like the fact that we have to know the important part of the cases instead of trying to cram in our heads specific names and dates. Today we discussed the computer and the basic components so I was getting bored because it is things I already know. Since participation is a big part of our grade I pay attention and write notes versus getting distracted on sites. The class goes by fast and presenting the technology reports makes it go by even faster.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chapter Two (2-11-10)

The lecture for chapter two went by fast because it was long and there were many important notes to take. Some of the key topics like switching costs and barriers to entry were talked about in my marketing class. The impact and changes in technology have been discussed in my Production and Operations Management class. Currently I am taking business and Spanish classes only so I hear some of the same topics and things in many of them. There is a lot of information in this class, but it all ties in together and everything is important to know in this class of information systems. I look forward to the first test to see if I can do as well as I think.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chapter One (2-9-10)

The class went really fast today because many students volunteered to read their news report. I was one of the students to volunteer and it was interesting to hear about some of the new technology developments. The one that I found the most interesting was the article about the development of an algorithm that would detect open parking spaces. It sucks to have to wait and go in circles until a parking space is available. It was not too bad being in front of the class and presenting the news report. The lecture went fast for me because most of the time I was taking notes and writing down the important things. I am somewhat nervous about the first test because I don't know what to expect and I plan on doing really well in this class. I enjoy the class and the funny instructor. I look forward to coming to this class all the time because it is interesting and funny.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chapter One (2-4-10)

What I like is that I know exactly what is important because it is in red ink. It is more convenient to read and at the end make sure I understand the material in red ink from the lectures. When I am in class I write my notes in my notebook and open up the lecture from my computer. Some of the things we have talked about were mentioned in my computer class so somethings are a review. So far I enjoy the class and it is interesting. Likewise, it makes it more comfortable to have a computer that we can use to view the lectures better. While I take notes I can always go back to a particular slide if I get behind.

Friday, February 5, 2010

First Day of Class (2-2-10)

Before the first day of class I was confused on what the class was going to be about. Going over the syllabus helped me understand what I was going to be graded on and how the class was going to be. I took a computer class a year ago when I was in college so I know about many of the TLAs and vocabulary that was mentioned. In my computer class I completed many assignments using Access and Excel, to name a few, so I am hoping the assignments I will have to complete won't be difficult for me. I know that all industries use technology so I am excited to learn more about many systems that I will encounter in a future job. I feel confident knowing that by the end of the semester I will have gained allot of knowledge on information systems. Having to complete the technology reports will keep me updated on the new developments and the impact on businesses or individuals.