Thursday, April 29, 2010

Excel Demo (4-29-10)

Excel is somewhat confusing than I thought because we were going fast and the font size was small. While doing the demo in class I lost myself because it is a little hard to see from the back. Once I get the assignment I am sure I will figure it out because it gives you the directions. I don't remember using the same formulas that we used here in the last computer class I took. We had to insert formulas too, but we had to make the assignment look as the sample in the book. There was allot more information to insert than formulas to play around with. We had to underline a few things, bold some letters, change the font size, or the color. I plan on starting the assignment this weekend because I don't want to forget everything that we just did. It should not take long to complete so I will probably get it checked next class session. The Access assignment was easier because with Excel the formulas and different calculations make it confusing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chapter Nine (4-27-10)

Today's lecture was interesting because we talked about artificial intelligence. We got to watch the Roomba in action and on the website I saw some other unique cleaners like the pool cleaner named Verro. Also how you mentioned that the computers in later years will be smarter than us. It is actually really interesting to think about it, but it makes you wonder how life will be in the future. Like the example that you gave in class about how a company needs a CEO, but if robots will be as smart as humans then what is going to happen. Even though the robots can be efficient and effective I still think that humans can do certain things better like in the medical field. I would feel more comfortable getting surgery done by a doctor than by a robot or getting my medication. In addition, it could be something good because it would avoid getting sued by family members. The hospitals and nursing homes would save allot of time. The robot wouldn't get sent to jail because that would be ridiculous. I agree with you that robots should be used for dangerous tasks because it saves many humans.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chapter Nine (4-22-10)

I actually missed class today because I had an exam on finance to study for. I wanted to be well prepared and ready for it. I had studied the day before, but i was determined to get a good grade on the exam. Therefore, I missed class and worked on allot of finance problems. It was my first time being absent and I know it will be the last time. I look forward to doing the best part of the class for me, which are the assignments. According to the schedule we have a demo on Thursday so its coming up soon. I have one question and that is how many points do we get for posting up our blog?

Exam #3 (4-20-10)

I thought the exam was going to be easy because it was only on two chapters, but there was plenty of material to study. Most of it was words that we had to know, but also some concepts. I answered all of the questions and knew that I could have improved on some of the explaining. If it would have been a multiple choice without any short essay questions I would have been able to figure it out. For this test I am sure I lost points on the short essay section. I got a B on the exam, which was reasonable because it was a stressful week for me. The exams are well written and correctly formatted. They are not hard it just seems like there is allot of information to know.

Chapter Eight (4-15-10)

The class went by fast because since the section was short many students were able to present a news report. The exam is next class session and I have an exam on another class on Monday so it is going to be hard studying for both. I also have a finance exam, which I do not look forward to. I hope I will be able to manage all my time wisely so I can study and do well for all my exams. Usually I know when the semester is ending because presentations and exams start piling up. This semester is going by fast. In the beginning it would go by slow and I was able to enjoy my breaks, but now during my breaks I do school related assignments.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chapter Eight (4-13-10)

The assignments for this class are both interesting and educational because we learn new programs that we will all encounter in the future. Its good to know them as well because it makes your life easier having your data in an organized matter and easily accessed. I enjoy completing the assignments and I wish we could get some more, but four is enough for the class. There is already allot of information to know and with more assignments I would have to spend more time on this class. I enjoy the class and its both educational, interesting, and funny too at times. I was familiar with chapter 8 because I learned some of the vocab in other business classes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter Seven (4-8-10)

So I actually figured out the last questions of the assignment and it was pretty easy. I ended up getting 120 points out of 100, which I needed because my last test grade was bad. I presented an article as well. I have some hard trouble finding articles because I cannot seem to find some really interesting ones. I was hoping I would discover new developments that would be more like a surprise, but they are mostly about improving what is already made. Chapter six and seven exam is already coming up next week so I will try to get a head start on the studying. I have no questions as of now.

Chapter Seven (4-6-10)

I was in class trying to finish the assignment, but I gave up. Instead I was listening to the lecture, which was straight-forward and taking notes. I don't know why, but I had allot of trouble figuring out the question #4 and #5. I would just play with the wizard, but it did not seem correct. When I went to your office hours I was hoping to get some more hints, but I didn't. I was surprised that I had trouble with those questions because for the last computer class I had we were asked those type of questions. I remembered the query part, so the first assignment was really easy for me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chapter Six (3-25-10)

I finished my second assignment for this class during spring break and plan on getting it checked after class today. It was not hard for me so hopefully I get it right. I did not do the extra credit part of the assignment and plan on working on that today as well. I have an article which I will present on today so I am ready for class. I have no questions so far, but Imight for chapter seven. I look forward to the Excel assignments because its interesting and I learn more new things about the two computer software programs that we use.