Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chapter Nine (4-27-10)

Today's lecture was interesting because we talked about artificial intelligence. We got to watch the Roomba in action and on the website I saw some other unique cleaners like the pool cleaner named Verro. Also how you mentioned that the computers in later years will be smarter than us. It is actually really interesting to think about it, but it makes you wonder how life will be in the future. Like the example that you gave in class about how a company needs a CEO, but if robots will be as smart as humans then what is going to happen. Even though the robots can be efficient and effective I still think that humans can do certain things better like in the medical field. I would feel more comfortable getting surgery done by a doctor than by a robot or getting my medication. In addition, it could be something good because it would avoid getting sued by family members. The hospitals and nursing homes would save allot of time. The robot wouldn't get sent to jail because that would be ridiculous. I agree with you that robots should be used for dangerous tasks because it saves many humans.

1 comment:

  1. The positive spin on robots being smarter than us is that they will do ALL the work, so we can just sit around and relax and amuse ourselves. The bad spin is that we'll all wind up working for robots, who will discard us as soon as we get sick, tired, or old.....
