Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chapter Ten (5-13-10)

I got my second assignment back and I got 100% on it so I was excited. I am nervous about the final exam because I need to get an A in order for me to get an A on the class. I have extra credit points available, but I don't want to rely on that or depend on it. I have been studying and I hope that the final has same questions like the exams. I also went over the exams so I feel prepared. Right now, I am doing a last review just to make sure that I know all the information. I am nervous, but I hope I will be okay so I get a good grade in the class. I don't see how I could get a C for the final and the extra points will help me as well.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Exam #4 (5-11-10)

Today was the exam and I really hope that I did well. I answered all the questions and hopefully I got full points on the essay questions. The hardest part was knowing so many Decision Support Systems because most of them seemed similar and it was hard to distinguish one from the other. Since the final is cumulative it would be nice if all we needed to study is previous exams. Hopefully, we have a good review day on Thursday because there is allot of information that could possibly appear on the final. As soon as I get some feedback on my Excel homework #2 I will finish it so I can start reviewing ahead without having any worries. I am glad I took this class because I learned allot and it was useful. Will we know our grade before the final or until it gets posted two weeks after finals?

Chapter Ten (5-6-10)

Today in class we went over the first section of Chapter 10. I started the Excel assignment and I thought the spreadsheet was going to be similar to the one from the last Excel assignment. It was somewhat hard because we were not given formulas or any extra information to figure out how to complete the spreadsheet. It was based on whether you understand the concepts of what was explained in the assignment sheet. I actually was able to complete the spreadsheet and I am currently waiting to see if I filled out the spreadsheet correctly before I move on and finish the other questions. I like completing the assignments, but I hope it would have been given to us 3 weeks before finals because usually the last week of class is when there are so many things due. I hope the exam won't be too difficult. I have been trying to look over my notes day by day.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Excel Demo #2 (5-4-10)

Today was an easy day. We had the Excel Demo #2 and it was basically just adding graphs and learning one new formula or technique. The graph part was really easy and I was also able to see so thanks. I turned in my Excel Assignment #1 and with some help from the instructor I was able to get a perfect score. I am hoping I wont have questions for the next assignment because I understood everything we did in class. This is one of the classes where you learn something new and interesting every class session. I enjoy the class and it is a good class to take. We have an exam coming up so I need to start studying because I haven't. I like working on Excel better than Access because there are so many things to play around with. You can add so many things to make your page look nice like graphs or color. The assignments helped me because if I ever need to organize some data or work in finance or accounting I will know what resources to use.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Excel Demo (4-29-10)

Excel is somewhat confusing than I thought because we were going fast and the font size was small. While doing the demo in class I lost myself because it is a little hard to see from the back. Once I get the assignment I am sure I will figure it out because it gives you the directions. I don't remember using the same formulas that we used here in the last computer class I took. We had to insert formulas too, but we had to make the assignment look as the sample in the book. There was allot more information to insert than formulas to play around with. We had to underline a few things, bold some letters, change the font size, or the color. I plan on starting the assignment this weekend because I don't want to forget everything that we just did. It should not take long to complete so I will probably get it checked next class session. The Access assignment was easier because with Excel the formulas and different calculations make it confusing.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Chapter Nine (4-27-10)

Today's lecture was interesting because we talked about artificial intelligence. We got to watch the Roomba in action and on the website I saw some other unique cleaners like the pool cleaner named Verro. Also how you mentioned that the computers in later years will be smarter than us. It is actually really interesting to think about it, but it makes you wonder how life will be in the future. Like the example that you gave in class about how a company needs a CEO, but if robots will be as smart as humans then what is going to happen. Even though the robots can be efficient and effective I still think that humans can do certain things better like in the medical field. I would feel more comfortable getting surgery done by a doctor than by a robot or getting my medication. In addition, it could be something good because it would avoid getting sued by family members. The hospitals and nursing homes would save allot of time. The robot wouldn't get sent to jail because that would be ridiculous. I agree with you that robots should be used for dangerous tasks because it saves many humans.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Chapter Nine (4-22-10)

I actually missed class today because I had an exam on finance to study for. I wanted to be well prepared and ready for it. I had studied the day before, but i was determined to get a good grade on the exam. Therefore, I missed class and worked on allot of finance problems. It was my first time being absent and I know it will be the last time. I look forward to doing the best part of the class for me, which are the assignments. According to the schedule we have a demo on Thursday so its coming up soon. I have one question and that is how many points do we get for posting up our blog?

Exam #3 (4-20-10)

I thought the exam was going to be easy because it was only on two chapters, but there was plenty of material to study. Most of it was words that we had to know, but also some concepts. I answered all of the questions and knew that I could have improved on some of the explaining. If it would have been a multiple choice without any short essay questions I would have been able to figure it out. For this test I am sure I lost points on the short essay section. I got a B on the exam, which was reasonable because it was a stressful week for me. The exams are well written and correctly formatted. They are not hard it just seems like there is allot of information to know.

Chapter Eight (4-15-10)

The class went by fast because since the section was short many students were able to present a news report. The exam is next class session and I have an exam on another class on Monday so it is going to be hard studying for both. I also have a finance exam, which I do not look forward to. I hope I will be able to manage all my time wisely so I can study and do well for all my exams. Usually I know when the semester is ending because presentations and exams start piling up. This semester is going by fast. In the beginning it would go by slow and I was able to enjoy my breaks, but now during my breaks I do school related assignments.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Chapter Eight (4-13-10)

The assignments for this class are both interesting and educational because we learn new programs that we will all encounter in the future. Its good to know them as well because it makes your life easier having your data in an organized matter and easily accessed. I enjoy completing the assignments and I wish we could get some more, but four is enough for the class. There is already allot of information to know and with more assignments I would have to spend more time on this class. I enjoy the class and its both educational, interesting, and funny too at times. I was familiar with chapter 8 because I learned some of the vocab in other business classes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chapter Seven (4-8-10)

So I actually figured out the last questions of the assignment and it was pretty easy. I ended up getting 120 points out of 100, which I needed because my last test grade was bad. I presented an article as well. I have some hard trouble finding articles because I cannot seem to find some really interesting ones. I was hoping I would discover new developments that would be more like a surprise, but they are mostly about improving what is already made. Chapter six and seven exam is already coming up next week so I will try to get a head start on the studying. I have no questions as of now.

Chapter Seven (4-6-10)

I was in class trying to finish the assignment, but I gave up. Instead I was listening to the lecture, which was straight-forward and taking notes. I don't know why, but I had allot of trouble figuring out the question #4 and #5. I would just play with the wizard, but it did not seem correct. When I went to your office hours I was hoping to get some more hints, but I didn't. I was surprised that I had trouble with those questions because for the last computer class I had we were asked those type of questions. I remembered the query part, so the first assignment was really easy for me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Chapter Six (3-25-10)

I finished my second assignment for this class during spring break and plan on getting it checked after class today. It was not hard for me so hopefully I get it right. I did not do the extra credit part of the assignment and plan on working on that today as well. I have an article which I will present on today so I am ready for class. I have no questions so far, but Imight for chapter seven. I look forward to the Excel assignments because its interesting and I learn more new things about the two computer software programs that we use.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chapter Six (3-23-10)

We went over the exam and started a new chapter. At least for me it was good that we went over the exam because of my low score. After getting my exam back I wanted to really focus so I was writing notes on all the important points. I also turned in my first assignment which I did well on. I hope to start on the second assignment during spring break. I am really excited that I get to get some good sleep and work on homework assignments and review. I understood everything that was mentioned in the first section of chapter six so I have no questions so far.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Microsoft Access #2 (3-18-10)

So I just found out my grade for the last exam and I did not do well. I did really good on the last one and I did not think I was going to do really bad. I felt disappointed with myself and I plan on working harder from this point on. As long as I volunteer more to gain extra points and get an A on my assignments and exams I should still do well in the class. I don't want to get a bad grade on another exam nor in the class. I know I can do really good once I commit to it. I have finished the first homework assignment and plan to show it to you on Tuesday. I will take my usb. I have a question. Am I suppose to reply to your comments?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Exam #2 (3-16-10)

The exam was fair, but I know I did better on the last exam. I did not focus allot on the cases, which is what two questions were on. I hope I did not do too bad and I am sure this exam will be my lowest one out of all of them. Hopefully the extra credit will push my grade up so I can still get a an A for the class. The assignments should help me as well. The grades have not been posted so I wonder if we will know our grade today in class.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Microsoft Access (3-11-10)

Today was a busy day in class and everyone was paying attention. The speed was a little fast, but since I had used the program before I felt comfortable. The homework assignment does not seem hard so I am excited to get started on it. I am glad that the professor went over the program to show those who did not know how to use it. It would have been hard if we would have to complete the assignment with no help. I am nervous about the next exam there is so much to know. I will start reviewing tonight because I don't like waiting until the last minute.

Chapter Five (3-9-10)

The last computer class that I had was just an introduction type of class so we used different programs like Microsoft Access. We had to complete our assignments by following directions and using different Microsoft Office programs. There was a slide on Chapter 5 that included a picture of Microsoft Access, which looks familiar. I am excited and ready to complete some assignments for this class. It will hopefully be a review and not too difficult to understand. Test is already next week so I need to already start reviewing as soon as possible.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Chapter Five (3-4-10)

In this first section of chapter five there are many new terms that are new to me. I don't remember hearing some of them in my last computer class so I have to do flashcards for this exam. The last test I just reviewed my notes, but this exam includes more information then the last exam. The test is coming up so I plan on doing my flashcards on Wednesday after I take my finance test, which is Tuesday. This weekend I have focused allot on finance, but once I take my exam I will focus on this class. Flashcards is a good way for me to learn concepts because if I cannot say it I probably do not know it.

Chapter Four (3-2-10)

I read this section again and I understood it better than last time when I looked over the slides because it was something new that I did not know. I know we will be starting on the homework so I look forward to that. It is coming up in a few days. It is good to do some homework because that way we have some change instead of just taking notes. It will make the students who do not pay too much attention to the lecture stay focus on the material that will be covered. In my last class I completed assignments using Microsoft Access so I hope I still remember how to use it. I took this class over a year ago, but did not use the program after the class ended. The good thing is that I have all the Microsoft Office programs installed in my laptop.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Chapter Four (2-25-10)

This chapter was on computer software which includes application software, systems software, and operating systems. Most of this chapter was new to me so I had to go back and read the slides again so I could really understand it. The machine languages were new to me and I did not know about all the many generations. The computer class that I took was about learning how to use all the programs in Microsoft office. Now I really see the difference between both classes. We did talk about some of the same topics, but for the most part I am learning new things. I have been busy with homework and exams coming up so I haven't reviewed all my notes. I plan to study early for our second exam, but after this busy week.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Chapter Three (2-23-10)

I like the fact that we go over the exam because if there is a question we do not understand it gets explained. Questions from previous exams will be on the final so it is important to understand all the material. The class is going good but there is allot of information that there is to know. It seems as if we cover allot more material as the class goes on. For the next exam I know I will have to study more than the last one. I understood most of the material and I don't have any questions so far. The hard part will be understanding all the important topics. Since the next exam is structured the same way I think I will do fine.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Exam #1 (2-18-10)

I just saw the results for the test and I am happy because I got an A. Since it was my first exam I was really nervous and I was afraid of surprises. The night before I studied by going over the slides and making sure that I knew the important topics in red. Before the exam I went over the slides again in the library and my notes. During the test I was not nervous because I was familiar with everything and I went with what I knew. I finished the exam fast like in 30 minutes and I felt good afterwards. I know I can do good in this class and I will keep doing what I have done so far. I look forward to learning new things and gaining new knowledge.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Chapter Three (2-16-10)

Today I gave another technology report which was on one of the world's greenest supercomputers. The structure of the in-class exams is straight-forward and the structure is fair. I hope to do well on the first exam, but I guess I will see until I get it back. I would like to get the hard copy back to make corrections and know the right answers for the final exam. I like the fact that we have to know the important part of the cases instead of trying to cram in our heads specific names and dates. Today we discussed the computer and the basic components so I was getting bored because it is things I already know. Since participation is a big part of our grade I pay attention and write notes versus getting distracted on sites. The class goes by fast and presenting the technology reports makes it go by even faster.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chapter Two (2-11-10)

The lecture for chapter two went by fast because it was long and there were many important notes to take. Some of the key topics like switching costs and barriers to entry were talked about in my marketing class. The impact and changes in technology have been discussed in my Production and Operations Management class. Currently I am taking business and Spanish classes only so I hear some of the same topics and things in many of them. There is a lot of information in this class, but it all ties in together and everything is important to know in this class of information systems. I look forward to the first test to see if I can do as well as I think.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Chapter One (2-9-10)

The class went really fast today because many students volunteered to read their news report. I was one of the students to volunteer and it was interesting to hear about some of the new technology developments. The one that I found the most interesting was the article about the development of an algorithm that would detect open parking spaces. It sucks to have to wait and go in circles until a parking space is available. It was not too bad being in front of the class and presenting the news report. The lecture went fast for me because most of the time I was taking notes and writing down the important things. I am somewhat nervous about the first test because I don't know what to expect and I plan on doing really well in this class. I enjoy the class and the funny instructor. I look forward to coming to this class all the time because it is interesting and funny.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Chapter One (2-4-10)

What I like is that I know exactly what is important because it is in red ink. It is more convenient to read and at the end make sure I understand the material in red ink from the lectures. When I am in class I write my notes in my notebook and open up the lecture from my computer. Some of the things we have talked about were mentioned in my computer class so somethings are a review. So far I enjoy the class and it is interesting. Likewise, it makes it more comfortable to have a computer that we can use to view the lectures better. While I take notes I can always go back to a particular slide if I get behind.

Friday, February 5, 2010

First Day of Class (2-2-10)

Before the first day of class I was confused on what the class was going to be about. Going over the syllabus helped me understand what I was going to be graded on and how the class was going to be. I took a computer class a year ago when I was in college so I know about many of the TLAs and vocabulary that was mentioned. In my computer class I completed many assignments using Access and Excel, to name a few, so I am hoping the assignments I will have to complete won't be difficult for me. I know that all industries use technology so I am excited to learn more about many systems that I will encounter in a future job. I feel confident knowing that by the end of the semester I will have gained allot of knowledge on information systems. Having to complete the technology reports will keep me updated on the new developments and the impact on businesses or individuals.